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Jaw Clenching/Jaw Slimming Injection

30 min
240 British pounds

Service Description

If you suffer from teeth grinding, jaw clenching or want to slim your jaw area, this treatment may be right for you. Often associated with stress, clenching the jaw and grinding your teeth can lead to headaches, jaw and neck pain, tooth pain and dental problems. The same neurotoxin used in anti-wrinkle treatments can be used to relax the masseter muscle, which is one of the muscles used during chewing. Injections are made into the masseter muscle in the cheek area, causing the muscle to relax and the muscle bulk reduce causing a slimming effect, and reduce the amount of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Further injections are required after 6, then 12 months, then should be topped up every 9 months there after. The use of Botox treatments require a thorough face-to-face consultation with Dr Gemma.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us with at least 48 hours notice and you will not incur any cancellation fees.

Contact Details

  • Skinvestment, Ramsbottom, Bury, UK

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